Tip 1 - Bleached/Pre Lightened hair cannot be permed
Bleached/Pre Lightened hair cannot be permed until the bleached portion has been totally cut off. If bleached hair is permed, the hair will either frizz out or the curls will have no bounce and straighten very quickly. Thus before each color, always be sure to ask your stylist what goes into your hair. Inform your stylist that you intend to perm your hair in the near future, thus your hair cannot be bleached or pre lightened.
In many occasions, we have customers who do not know whether they have bleached their hair previously. As in some occasions, bleaching ingredients may have been added into the hair color without the customer knowledge to achieve a light color. And unless the bleached is a recent job, otherwise many times it can be difficult for our stylist to know if the hair has been bleached especially if a dark color has been later colored on the hair

Tip 2 - Avoid Layering/Thinning your hair too much
Avoid Layering/Thinning your hair too much, if you intend to perm it in the near future. A lot of time, a perm needs to have a certain haircut in order to achieve a certain final result.
Thus layering/thinning the hair too much might makes it difficult for the stylist to achieve the intended haircut for the perm later on and certain parts of the curls might look disconnected. Also hair that has been thinned too much might lose its curls much faster, and the curls will not be as bouncy.

Tip 3 - Damaged hair will always be damaged.
There is no way for a hair that is already dry/damaged to look healthy after a perm. And the healthier the hair, the longer the perm will last. Thus always be sure to do treatments on a regular basis with good homecare products to prepare the hair for the next perm. In many occasions, you might need to cut off the dry/damaged hair ends before a good perm can be possible.

Tip 4 - Be as specific and detailed as possible during the consultation with your stylist
Be as specific and detailed as possible during the consultation with your stylist. Bring along pictures of a perm that you want. A picture speaks a thousand words and the definition of “natural” looking or “bouncy curls” might defer from each person.
Your idea of “loose curls” might not be the same as another person’s. Thus always refer to pictures as you relate to your stylist the type of curls that you are looking at. Also always understand that each person’s hair condition/texture is different, and there are always a limitation to replicate the same perm exactly.
Do not be too idealistic. Sometimes only 80% – 90% can be achieved. And in some occasion where your hair condition/texture is totally different from the picture that you have shown, our stylist will also notify you that the perm is not possible to achieve.

Tip 5 - Be prepared for after perm maintenance
Be prepared for after perm maintenance like applying products and spending 10 – 20 mins blow drying your hair daily. There is a certain amount of commitment required from your side. If you are not yet ready for such commitment and are looking at a hassle free hairstyle, then the best hair style will be to rebond your hair totally straight. Otherwise, a good perm will still look terrible under the care of a lazy owner.
However, the after perm maintenance will not be difficult once you get the hang of it (like doing makeup) and our stylist will teach you how to blow dry the curls in the correct way. Different types of curls require different blow drying techniques. Using the wrong technique will change the original intended shape of the curls, and the final results will not be desirable.

Tip 6 - Rebonded hair does not curl well
If you have rebonded your hair straight too many times previously, it might not take curls very well. The curls will have no bouncy or straighten very quickly. Thus if you intend to perm your hair in the next 1 year, stop rebonding your hair.

Tip 7 - Factors affecting the perm chemical process
Henna Color/Herbal Hair Treatment/Keratin Treatment might leave a coating around the hair that can affect the perm chemical process, which results in curls that are lifeless looking. Thus always inform your stylist what has been done on your hair previously, even it can be donkey years ago. You never know what is still left on the hair. If you intend to perm your hair in the near future, also avoid doing any of the above.