Perm / Rebond
Price list
Root Perm
$105Korean Wave Perm*
$225 - $270Digital Perm*
$265 - $320Perm Design I*
$265 - $320Rebonding Perm*
$325 - $415Perm Design II*
$325 - $415
^ Perm Design I: Wave Perm, Flow Perm, Romantic Perm, Goddess Perm, Digital Perm, Volume Perm
^ Perm Design II: C/S Curl Rebonding, Styling Perm, Rebonding Perm, Japanese Soft Perm, Spiral Perm, Freestyle Perm
Fringe Rebonding
$95Soft Rebonding*
$265 - $320C Curl Rebonding*
$325 - $415S Curl Rebonding*
$325 - $415
Prices inclusive of 9% GST
Services with * above comes with Haircut by Hair Designer.
Add $20/$40 for Creative Director/Master Trainer Haircut
Short = Chin length and Above
Medium = Below Chin to Collar Bone
Long = Collar Bone and Below to Bra Strap
Additional 20% for Bra Strap to Waist
Exclusive Promos

* Perm Packages are for all hair lengths until chest length. Additional 20% for below chest length
Not Your Usual Perm...
You don't want any perm... You want YOUR perm
How Picasso Does it

Face Shape
Our Hair Designers will start with a detailed analysis of your face shape, eyes, nose, mouth & chin to determine which Hair Personality you are and what style suits you best.